Disney/ESPN - Brazil. Aug 2011 - todaySoftware Development Supervisor. Developed system to integrate and manage the programming schedule. Developed directory/Contact info app. Resource Allocation System (project manager).Delphi, Firebird.
Pensar Digital. Dec 2007 - Ago 2011ESPN BrazilProject manager. Analyst.Billing systems integration. Fiscal government reports (SPED). 4D, SAP, Mastersaf, Mega ERP, Delphi, Firebird.
Pensar Digital. Dec 2005 - Ago 2006GemcoTech leadAutomatic log statements insertion. Internationalization.Java, Struts, JUnit, Webshere, Tomcat, Log4J.
Pensar Digital. Jul 2004 - Ago 2005Roche DiagnosticsDevelopment and maintenance of Accucheck line website.Java, Oracle, Websphere, ANT.
Pensar Digital. 2004 Back to Brazil. Founded Pensar Digital.
Liquid Hub Consulting. 2003 - 2004Vanguard GroupTech lead in database management tool.Project with 508 automatic tests with 90% of code coverage was the first project to achieve zero errors passing through the test department.Java, JUnit, DB2, PVCS Merant.
Broadreach Consulting. Nov 2000 Speaker at Research Triangle Java Users Group - North Carolina.JUnit
Broadreach Consulting. 1999 - 2000 CignaPremiuns calculation engine development.Reduced from 2h to 2 minutes the build and deployment process automating most of the steps.Java, Visual Age for Java, JUnit, DB2.
Broadreach Consulting. 1999 First of three selected between 120 candidates (USA, Philadelphia).
Meca Teleinformática. 1997 - 1999 Software Engineer.Tech lead in the developement of stock market information tool.TCP/IP, C++, Borland C++
Intercom Services. 1996 Managing software for a human reproduction clinic.Delphi
Intercom Services. 1995 Commecials insertion tool for MTV.Delphi
Módulo Engenharia. 1994 - 1995 Implementation of wireless data collection system. Development of monitoring system for CSN.C++
Editora Abril. 1992 - 1993 Member of Veja magazine IT staff.Development of editorial system for Veja RioVisual Basic for Applications.
Pulso Tecnologia. 1991 Development of visual ladder logic compiler for microcontroler.C++, Assembly
LSI - USP. 1990 Development of mini super computer emulation software using Petri Networks.C++
Monydata Teleinformática. 1986 Supervisor responsible for fixing every single PC (assembly line was highly defective, lots of short circuits) sold by the company. Fixed video cards using binary search and a piece of adesive tape.
Bachelor degree Electrical Engineering.Escola Politécnica da USP1987 - 1992
High School Eletronic Technician. ETI Lauro Gomes 1984 - 1987